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Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab, University of the Punjab

The emerging demand of GIS and Space Applications for Climate Change studies for the socio-economic development of Pakistan along with Government of Pakistan Vision 2025, Space Vision 2047 of National Space Agency of Pakistan, and achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) impelled the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) to establish Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL) at University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

World Wildlife Fund

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Water, Energy and Sustainability Research Center, Catholic University of Bolivia

The Center for Research on Water, Energy and Sustainability (CINAES for its name in Spanish) is a part of the Department of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) at the Universidad Catolica Boliviana (UCB), Bolivia. Since 2017, our focus is on scientific research, engineering in practice, engineering and science education, community outreach, public awareness and engagement.

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Margosa Environmental Solutions

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World Meteorological Organisation

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University of Zimbabwe: Department of Construction and Civil Engineering

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Kenya Space Agency

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Vision: The vision of the Agency is to be the premier Space Agency in promotion of access and effective utilization of Space Economy for national sustainable development.

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Center for Space Science and Geomatics Studies (CSSGS), Pashchimanchal Campus, Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University

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Digital Earth Africa

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DE Africa offers an operational data infrastructure making current and historical, analysis-ready satellite data freely available and openly accessible for the entire continent. This further enables turning raw data into decision-ready products to inform policy and drive action.

Institut des Regions Arides

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H2O Geomatics Inc.

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Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales / Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities

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Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar

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UK Space Agency - International Partnership Programme

The UK Space Agency’s International Partnership Programme (IPP) is an award-winning >£150 million space for sustainable development initiative which utilises the UK space sector’s capabilities in satellite technology and data services to deliver measurable and sustainable economic, societal and/or environmental benefits in partnership with developing countries.

American University of Central Asia

Founded in 1993, AUCA develops future leaders for the democratic transformation of Central Asia. American University of Central Asia is an international, multi-disciplinary learning community in the American liberal arts tradition. AUCA is the first university in Central Asia to offer US accredited degrees in liberal arts programs through a partnership with Bard College in the United States. In addition to Bard, AUCA maintains partnerships with a number of universities and organizations worldwide.

Université Chouaib Doukkali

The Chouaib Doukkali University (CDU) [] in El Jadida, Morocco was founded in 1985. It is a public institution of higher education and scientific research. At present, in the Chouaib Doukkali there are 6 faculties, and has more than 507 teachers, 255 administrators, and more than 25 000 students. Training is provided for bachelor degree and master degree. In terms of research, the University has established two centers for doctoral studies, with 25 laboratories involving 82 research teams.

National Space Science Agency

NSSA seeks to establish a sound infrastructure for the observation of outer space and the earth, make Bahrain a leader in space science and technology, build a culture and methodology of scientific research within the kingdom and encourage technical innovation, among other goals. NSSA is interested in satellites to obtain data, to use them for remote sensing and to conduct advanced space research, so it can be the engine for the state in the use of the latest satellite communication technologies.

NSSA’s main projects are as follows:

International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals

With the aim of addressing global challenges in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, CBAS is committed to harnessing big data to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by reducing technological barriers and filling in data gaps. Since its inauguration, CBAS identified key areas of interest and has made significant progress. 

constellr GmbH

ConstellR is a German deep-tech start-up from Freiburg that operates at the interface of Earth Observation and agriculture. A spin-off of the Fraunhofer, Europe’s largest organization for applied science, ConstellR is dedicated to supporting global food security in times of climate change. Based on a proprietary space infrastructure with unique sensing capabilites, ConstellR offers precise and plot-level water monitoring for the agricultural sector worldwide.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA conducts civil space research and exploration to advance scientific knowledge.

The NASA Water Resources program area helps discover, develop, and demonstrate new practical uses for NASA’s Earth observations in the water resources management community. The NASA Water Resources program works with a wide range of partners in the United States and around the world to find innovative solutions as shifts in land use, changing climates and growing populations stress water supplies.

Laboratoire d’Etudes du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique et Atmosphères

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University of Energy and Natural Resources

The University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) was established by an Act of Parliament, Act 830, 2011 on December 31, 2011. The University is a public funded national institution which seeks to provide leadership and management of energy and natural resources and be a centre of excellence in these critical areas.


Riskaware are experts in incident modelling solutions. Our dedicated team of software engineers, scientists and developers work closely with government and organisations globally to provide actionable intelligence and incident modelling.

Our work spans urban, cyber, marine and bio environments and is built on more than 20 years’ experience working with UK and US government departments within defence, intelligence and environmental.

Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

Realizing the importance of Space Science and Technology applications for sustainable national development, the Government of Pakistan established Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission. Being the National Space Agency of Pakistan, SUPARCO is mandated to conduct research and development work in the field of space science, technology and its applications for peaceful purposes and socio-economic uplift of country. Its headquarter is located at Islamabad and technical facilities are spread over Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Quetta, Peshawar and Gilgit.

National Water and Sanitation Agency of Brazil

The National Water Agency (ANA) is legally liable for implementing the National Water Resources Management System (SINGREH), created to ensure the sustainable use of our rivers and lakes for the current and future generations. This implies regulating the use of water according to the mechanisms established by Law No.

Egyptian Space Agency

Egyptian Space Agency is a Governmental Organization that's aiming at acquiring Space Technology and Satellite Launching capabilities towards the accomplishment of The National Sustainable Development Strategy "Egypt-SDS 2030" objectives.

Stimson Center

The Energy, Water, & Sustainability Program at the Stimson Center addresses important and timely policy issues and technical opportunities concerning energy, water, and sustainable development in the Global South from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Our work on transboundary river basins identifies pathways towards enhancing water security and optimizing tradeoffs between water, energy, and sustainable development options in the Mekong, Ganges-Brahmaputra, Indus, Aral Sea and Euphrates-Tigris river basins.


Deltares is an independent institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure. Throughout the world, we work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society.

Turkish Space Agency

Turkish Space Agency (TUA) is a state institution which is responsible for the preparation of the strategic plans governing the medium and long term goals on aeronautics and space technologies, basic principles and approaches, objectives and priorities, performance indicators as well as the methods to achieve these goals and the distribution of resources. 

TUA is the face of Turkiye in space. Its mission is to be a leading and pioneering institution that carries out activities serving to the best interests of humanity in accordance with the requirements of the “New Space Age”.


Diverse and dynamic R&D company operating across geospatial fields for a more sustainable future - Earth Observation, remote sensing, drones, and modelling of water risks. We are determined to make the world a more sustainable and resilient place, including the SDG targets 1, 2, 6, 13, 15, and 17 in our mission and daily activities. We offer:

National Institute for Space Research

Strategic objectives

  1. Expand and consolidate skills in science, technology and innovation in the areas of space and the terrestrial environment to respond to national challenges.
  2. Develop, on a global scale, scientific and technological leadership in the areas of space and the terrestrial environment, emphasizing Brazilian specificities.
  3. Expand and consolidate skills in weather and climate forecasting and global environmental changes.
  4. Consolidate INPE's performance as a unique institution in the development of satellites and space technologies.

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) works to promote international cooperation in the peaceful use and exploration of space, and in the utilisation of space science and technology for sustainable economic and social development. The Office assists any United Nations Member States to establish legal and regulatory frameworks to govern space activities and strengthens the capacity of developing countries to use space science technology and applications for development by helping to integrate space capabilities into national development programmes.

African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environnement

The African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) was founded in 1992 and was incorporated as an international NGO under Section 21 of the South African Companies Act (Act 61 of 1973). AARSE is a partner of many international organizations such as the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and the IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), and a participating organization of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO).


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Webster Gumindoga

Lecturer University of Zimbabwe: Department of Construction and Civil Engineering

Webster is a PhD student at the University of Twente’s Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation. His PhD thesis is entitled: Observing Zambezi Basin from Space: Satellite based bias correction for hydrological modelling: Webster is also lecturer and researcher at the University of Zimbabwe’s Construction and Civil Engineering Department. He is the coordinator of the regional master’s degree programme in Integrated Water Resources Management, a capacity building programme for the water sector in Southern and Eastern Africa.