The objective of the 2022 Workshop on Earth Observation for Ecosystem Accounting is to bring together experts in Earth Observation and experts in Ecosystem Accounting to jointly discuss the key challenges that need to be addressed in order to use Earth Observation in compiling national ecosystem accounts to support national policies.
This virtual Workshop will introduce the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting framework to the EO community, present on-going efforts to harness the potential of Earth Observations in ecosystem accounting, showcase, through open sessions, practical examples of EO applications for Ecosystem Accounting, and review the main challenges lying ahead for an effective use of Earth Observation in compiling national ecosystem accounts.
The workshop will address the use of Earth Observation for ecosystem accounts in all realms, from terrestrial, freshwater, coastal to marine ecosystems.
The objective of the workshop is to reinforce the importance to join efforts to provide robust and cost-effective EO solutions that help countries develop and compile their ecosystem accounts.