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University of Zimbabwe: Department of Construction and Civil Engineering
The Department of Construction and Civil Engineering at the University of Zimbabwe is one of the 8 departments in the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment.The department is already a major center for water and sanitation engineering through its MSc programmes which have produced graduates from eastern and southern Africa. The department also boasts of soil and material and timber research facilities which can be used to benefit the country at large.

Jumpei Takami
Associate Expert in Remote Sensing United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Proficient in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems with Machine Learning approach: Analysis of disaster risk reduction and management associated with climate change using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies and implementation of disaster-oriented projects; landslide, flooding, drought, and land subsidence, optionally with machine learning approaches; forest inventory for canopy height and above ground biomass, and planning, design, construction, and maintenance of civil engineering construction projects.

Ioana Popescu
Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
Ioana Popescu is currently Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in Delft, The Netherlands. Her research focuses on computational methods, aspects of flood modeling and vulnerability related to floods, lake and reservoir modeling and water supply systems modeling and optimisation. She is particularly interested in integrating mathematical models into decision support systems. Data is key in model development, hence she explores all sources of data, from EO to in situ data and is for the FAIR data sharing.

Sawaid Abbas
Assistant Professor Smart Sensing for Climate and Development, GIS Centre, University of the Punjab Centre for Geographical Information, University of the Punjab
Sawaid is a spatial data scientist who works at the nexus of earth science, ecology and climate change through leveraging remote sensing, machine learning, and strong domain knowledge. His key work involves forest succession, drought, and rangelands which were accomplished through collaboration with institutions like WWF, ICIMOD, ICRAF, AFCD, and KFBG.

Ioana Popescu
Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
Ioana Popescu is currently Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in Delft, The Netherlands. Her research focuses on computational methods, aspects of flood modeling and vulnerability related to floods, lake and reservoir modeling and water supply systems modeling and optimisation. She is particularly interested in integrating mathematical models into decision support systems. Data is key in model development, hence she explores all sources of data, from EO to in situ data and is for the FAIR data sharing.

Arjen Haag
Researcher / Consultant Hydrology and Water Management Deltares
Arjen is interested in the physical processes that shape our surroundings, especially the flow of water, and the proper management of our natural resources. He is a hydrologist and remote sensing analyst with a special interest in understanding high river discharges and floods. He combines hydrological knowledge with modelling, data-driven approaches and satellite observations, on topics ranging from water resource management to flood forecasting.