
“Energy is one of the big challenges on Earth and space technology is one of the tools to resolve some of the issues involved. The space sector is a forerunner in developing renewable energy, for instance, the first major use of solar cells was to power satellites during their operation in space. Satellites can also be used to monitor the Earth to find the right sites for implementing renewable energy hardware, such as solar panels, windmills, etc. Satellites have also enabled us to use navigation systems that take us from one place to the next in a much more energy-efficient way. And through teleconferences, also made possible by telecommunication satellites, there is often not even the need to travel, thereby preserving a large amount of energy.

Batteries are the most widely used systems on Earth to store power. Li-ion cells were widely developed in the mid ‘90s, as they can attain a very high energy storage over mass ratio, in other words more Wh per kg, than any other type of battery. As mass is a critical factor for batteries in space, Li-ion cells were quickly used in space applications. These batteries are now also widespread in all kinds of applications in our daily life, from portable devices to power tools and even electric vehicles (ESA, 2014).”


"Space Energy: How Space Technology Can Help Us On Earth". Energy, ESA. Last modified November 30, 2015.….
Accessed February 21, 2019.

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