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Capacity Building and Training Material

Water: addressing the global crisis


The SDG Academy and the Stockholm International Water Institute have come together to offer this MOOC on some of the most important water issues. They focus on the key role water plays in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, not least SDG 6, about sustainable water and sanitation for all. The course intends to explain the global water crisis through linkages between water, environment, and societal development, focusing on how to tackle issues such as growing water uncertainty and deteriorating water quality.

Water Diplomacy, a Tool for Climate Action?

In this SIWI World Water Week workshop organised by adelphi and IHE Delft, experts from the diplomacy, development, security, climate change and water communities discussed the conditions under which specific diplomatic tools can be used by riparian and non-riparian countries to shape regional cooperation to address climate, and other security and development challenges, such as migration.

Coral reef monitoring with Sen2Coral

During this webinar, you will learn how to process Sentinel-2 data for coral reef monitoring. We will demonstrate the several processing chains and operators available within the Sen2Coral tool.


The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the largest coral reef ecosystem on Earth. It stretches for thousands of kilometers along the coast of eastern Australia. The reef represents an immense natural and economic value and has been declared UNESCO World Heritage site in 1981.