The WMO has recently launched the 2022 Global Survey on Satellite Data Utilization and they would like users to share their experiences of using satellite data.
One of the strategic goals of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Space Programme is to improve the utilization of satellite data and services by WMO Members, with emphasis on less advanced and developing countries. This effort is supported by surveys, conducted on a periodic basis, on the availability of satellite data and products and on their use by WMO Members. The purpose of the survey is to collect feedback from all WMO Members on progress and achievements as well as on challenges and deficiencies as regards the use of satellite data, satellite data applications and training needs.
The most recent Global Survey on Satellite Data Utilization was conducted in 2016. It is, therefore, necessary to collect up-to-date information on the status of satellite data utilization and user needs for training to help bridge the gaps between the large amount of satellite data available, and the considerable need for increased access to those data, information, products and training.
Responses on status, progress, and challenges in using satellites as an information resource will also shape international actions by WMO and its Members in responding to user needs.
It would be appreciated if you could provide the required information on the use of satellite data, by completing the electronic form through the Global Survey on Satellite Data Utilization - 2022 (available in six UN languages). The survey contains 29 questions.
Thank you for your cooperation and would be appreciated if the required information could be sent as soon as possible, but not later than 1 July 2022, to allow ample time for an analysis and publication of the results of the survey.
You may contact Ms Zoya Andreeva, Scientific Officer, Space Systems and Utilization Division, WMO Space Programme Office at, if you have any difficulty in submitting the form.