Stimson Center

Shared Resources

Capacity Building and Training Material

Project / Mission / Initiative / Community Portal

Presentations and shared documents
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1211 Connecticut Ave. NW
8th Fl
Washington, DC 20036
United States

About Stimson Center

The Energy, Water, & Sustainability Program at the Stimson Center addresses important and timely policy issues and technical opportunities concerning energy, water, and sustainable development in the Global South from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Our work on transboundary river basins identifies pathways towards enhancing water security and optimizing tradeoffs between water, energy, and sustainable development options in the Mekong, Ganges-Brahmaputra, Indus, Aral Sea and Euphrates-Tigris river basins.

We promote the renewable energy transition by looking at examples of lessons-learned from countries that have had breakthrough developments in renewable energy and opportunities to share these lessons with other countries in the Global South.

Finally, our transparency and remote-sensing work as exemplified by the Mekong Dam Monitor and Mekong Infrastructure Tracker gives local stakeholders the data and information necessary to negotiate for a more equitable share of natural resources in stressed transboundary landscapes and watersheds.

Brief Information

Type of Organization
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

Organisational sub-unit(s)

None who are registered with Space4Water.

Thematic Focus
Regional Focus
Looking for
... on topics listed below
Submitted challenges

Co-developed solutions