About Satellite Rainfall Correction Tool
As satellite-based rainfall estimates, GSMaP can be used as reference/first hand information for rainfall induced water-related disasters’ early warning system. However, when it comes to operational use of GSMaP, the satellite-based rainfall estimates are not accurate enough. (Due to the principles of GSMaP modelling data between satellite observations, GSMaP data need to be calibrated with ground observed data and tend in some conditions to underestimate or overestimates rainfall amounts compared to observed ground data.)
In this regard, under the Project "Strategic Strengthening of Flood Warning and Management Capacity of Pakistan", UNESCO Jakarta Office and JAXA developed a specific software interface entitled “GSMaP-IF” to correct GSMaP original data by calibrating them with available observed ground-based rainfall data. GSMaP-IF can correct and enhance the reliability of original GSMaP data even for wide areas, if enough ground-based data are available. With the correction by GSMaP-IF, the GSMaP data calibration is significantly improved and corrected data could be reliable enough to be used as input data for early warning system of rainfall-induced disasters.
- GSMaP is used for
- Disaster management: flood, landslide monitoring, etc.
- Drought monitoring
- Agriculture