Mohamed Yasser Ayoub

EO Data Processing Engineer at Egyptian Space Agency

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Mohamed Yasser holds a Bachelor of Science in Earth Science from Alexandria University and currently serves as an Earth Observation Data Processing Engineer at the Egyptian Space Agency. Specializing in various aspects of satellite data processing, he focuses on generating preprocessed satellite image products and formulating product quality matrices in his role.

With a background in designing and developing sophisticated artificial intelligence systems, Mohamed ensures these systems provide essential support to decision-makers, particularly in critical fields such as Climate, Water, Agriculture, and Mining, where satellite data plays a vital role in decision-making processes.

Additionally, Mohamed is responsible for overseeing the operation of pivotal components like MISRSAT-2 DMS, IPS, and TAS, highlighting his proficiency in managing and maintaining critical satellite infrastructure.

In the domain of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Mohamed's contributions range from database development to conducting both qualitative and quantitative analyses. He also excels in producing meticulously crafted maps that enhance spatial understanding and aid decision-making processes.