According to a recent report by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Nile Delta is increasingly vulnerable to coastal flooding due to rising sea levels which is an implication of global warming . The report also highlights that approximately 2,660 km2 in the northern Delta are projected to be submerged by the year 2100. This comprises about 25% of the Delta as stated by mathematical models. Coastal cities, like Alexandria, are also facing same problem. It is said that every year Alexandria sinks by about three millimeters. Experts say that this is due to the lack of silt in the soil, which has a solidifying effect and is increasingly being retained by the Nile Dam in Aswan, Upper Egypt. All that relates to water, as global warming results in elevating sea levels and hence flooding of coastal cities is at stake.
Has this problem been acknowledged in the past? (By the government, NGOs, etc.)?
Soft structures- which are structures built by environmentally friendly materials - are being suggested and even constructed. This is in addition to the conventional concrete structures that should prevent abrasion of the sea shores.
How could space technologies help address the problem?
Using space technologies like satellite imaging and remote sensing can inform us and even predict the amount of sea rise. This will facilitate it to the researchers to mathematically model and further predict (by regression methods and others) the amount of sea rise for coming years and hence predicting flooding incidences and thus coming up with protection/mitigation measures that will prevent coastal cities in Egypt to sink and be flooded.
(Potential) Consequences if no action happens?
Flooding of the Delta in Egypt and flooding of Alexandria and sea water reaching the foundations of the buildings that are first row on the sea which will render them at risk of falling down or at least being very damaged. Alexandria also holds a great amount of archeological sites. So these sites could be damaged.
Relevant data sources/publications
Mounir, Eman. Egypt's Nile Delta Under Threat, Part 1: The Sea Engulfs Kafr El-Sheikh. Earth Journalism Network, December 28, 2023.
Mounir, Eman. Egypt's Nile Delta Under Threat, Part 2: Can the Country Reclaim What It's Lost? Earth Journalism Network, December 29, 2023. Egypt's Nile Delta Under Threat, Part 2: Can the Country Reclaim What It's Lost? | Earth Journalism Network.
Mixed Migration Centre. Climate and Mobility Case Study - January 2023 - Alexandria, Egypt: Al Max. Switzerland: Mixed Migration Centre, 2023.
How to prevent the flooding effect before it happens.
What mitigation measures should be used.