Welcome to the open access course Use of FAO WaPOR Portal from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). WaPOR is the portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open-access of Remotely sensed derived data and has been developed by FAO. The FAO’s WaPOR programme assists countries in monitoring water productivity, identifying water productivity gaps, proposing solutions to reduce these gaps, and contributing to a sustainable increase in agricultural production. At the same time, it takes into account ecosystems and the equitable use of water resources, with the goal of achieving an overall reduction in water stress.
The main objective of this course is to increase knowledge about WaPOR datasets and teach end-users how to actively use the WaPOR portal for their own needs. The main focus of the course will be on how to search, download, and apply WaPOR data for water accounting studies, but the methodology is applicable to similar remote sensing products.
For whom?
Use of FAO WaPOR Portal is an online course targeting practitioners and academicians who are working in water resources management and related fields and have an interest in using open access remote sensing data and other open-access data to assess the water resources situation in their region. They are also interested in conducting water accounting analyses, including to study how water productivity improvements can have an effect on different water users in a river basin context.
To properly follow this course, we expect that the participants have a basic understanding of hydrology, remote sensing, and working knowledge of GIS data